
Everything Coronavirus.

No matter the distances, WE are stronger together.

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Book an appointment

Our hearts go out to the patients diagnosed with COVID-19 and who are undergoing quarantines. Hospitals are overwhelmed and a physical visit to the doctor is not only a challenge but a risk in itself.

As part of our efforts to mitigate the risk for your family and contain the coronavirus spread, we are taking a step ahead to provide COVID-19
consultation and follow-up care to COVID-19 patients through our video visits.

You can access our physicians for the following cares:

  • Protection and prevention advice for yourself and your family
  • Medical advice on lifestyle adaptations and mental health
  • Screening for symptoms for COVID-19
  • Appropriate referral and ER visit scheduling
  • Testing advice for COVID-19
  • Monitoring symptoms and recovery
  • Expert advice on the ease of symptoms
  • Screening and advice on people who are at high-risk with other illness
  • Advice on caring for someone who is sick
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Book an appointment